男,博士,教授。现任副系主任、南京大学——地平线智能音频联合实验室主任,中国声学学会常务理事,中国声学学会/中国电子学会声频工程分会副主任委员。主要研究方向:声场调控和声信息处理。发表论文逾150篇,其中包括声学领域顶刊美国声学学报(J. Acoust. Soc. Am.)论文23篇,2016年获评为中国电子学会优秀科技工作者。多次担任声学领域顶尖国际会议(ASA、ICA、InterNoise、ICSV)分会主席,并于2018年受邀同时担任ICSV2018(广岛)和InterNoise2018(芝加哥)的国际科学委员。主持国家自然科学基金4项,主持与国内外知名企业的合作研究课题多项,研究成果已广泛应用于华为、三星、中兴、小米、科达科技、YAMAHA、NAVER、YANDEX等国内外知名企业的产品中。
1. Zhuang, T., Zhong, J., Niu, F., Karimi, M., Kirby, R., & Lu, J. (2023). A steerable non-paraxial Gaussian beam expansion for a steerable parametric array loudspeaker. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(1), 124-136.
2. Cheng, G., Liao, L., Chen, K., Hu, Y., Zhu, C., & Lu, J. (2023). Semi-blind source separation using convolutive transfer function for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153(1), 88-95.
3. Zhong, J., Zhuang, T., Kirby, R., Karimi, M., Qiu, X., Zou, H., & Lu, J. (2022). Low Frequency Audio Sound Field Generated by a Focusing Parametric Array Loudspeaker. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 30, 3098-3109.
4. Le, X., Lei, T., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2022). Inference skipping for more efficient real-time speech enhancement with parallel RNNs. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 30, 2411-2421.
5. Hu, M., Zou, H., Lu, J., & Christensen, M. G. (2022). Maximizing the acoustic contrast with constrained reconstruction error under a generalized pressure matching framework in sound zone control. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4), 2751-2759.
6. Ruan, H., Lei, T., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2022). An Explicit Connection Between Independent Vector Analysis and Tensor Decomposition in Blind Source Separation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 29, 1277 - 1281
7. Liao, L., Cheng, G., Gu, Z., & Lu, J. (2022). Efficient independent vector extraction of dominant source (L). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(6), 4126-4130.
8. Liao, L., Cheng, G., Ruan, H., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2022). Multichannel Variational Autoencoder-Based Speech Separation in Designated Speaker Order. Symmetry, 14(12), 2514.
9. Chen, H., Huang, X., Zou, H., & Lu, J. (2022). Research on the Robustness of Active Headrest with Virtual Microphones to Human Head Rotation. Applied Sciences, 12(22), 11506.
10. Lei, T., Ruan, H., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2022, May). A Priori SNR Estimation for Speech Enhancement Based on PESQ-Induced Reinforcement Learning. In ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 6957-6961). IEEE.
11. Le, X., Chen, H., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2021). DPCRN: Dual-path convolution recurrent network for single channel speech enhancement. InterSpeech2021 (Rank 3rd in DNS3 with significantly fewer parameters and lower computational burden than the top two models).
12. Cheng, G., Liao, L., Chen, H., & Lu, J. (2021). Semi-Blind Source Separation for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 28, 474-478.
13. Hu, M., & Lu, J. (2021). Theoretical explanation of uneven frequency response of time-domain acoustic contrast control method. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149(6), 4292-4297.
14. Wang, H., Gu, Z., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2021). Robust direction-of-arrival estimation for a target speaker based on multi-task U-net based direct-path dominance test. JASA Express Letters, 1(2), 024801.
15. Chen, K., Niu, F., Zou, H., & Lu, J. (2021). Modification of frequency-domain active noise control algorithm without secondary path modeling. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149(2), 1021-1029.
16. Chen, H., Chen, G., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2021). Nonlinear residual echo suppression based on dual-stream DPRNN. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2021(1), 1-11.
17. Chen, K., Xue, J., Lu, J., & Qiu, X. (2020). Improving active noise control without secondary path modeling using subband phase estimation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(2), 1275-1283.
18. Hu, M., & Lu, J. (2020, May). Active Control of Line Spectral Noise with Simultaneous Secondary Path Modeling Without Auxiliary Noise. In ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 466-470). IEEE.
19. Fan, W., & Lu, J. (2020). improving partition-block-based acoustic echo canceler in under-modeling scenarios. InterSpeech 2020.
20. Chen, H., Xiang, T., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2020). Nonlinear residual echo suppression based on multi-stream Conv-tasnet. InterSpeech 2020.
21. Wang, H., Chen, K., & Lu, J. (2020). U-net based direct-path dominance test for robust direction-of-arrival estimation. InterSpeech 2020.
22. Hu, M., Xue, J., & Lu, J. (2019). Online multi-channel secondary path modeling in active noise control without auxiliary noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), 2590-2595.
23. Hu, M., Wang, J., Xue, J., & Lu, J. (2019). Inspection of the secondary path modeling in active noise control from the viewpoint of channel identification in stereo acoustic echo cancellation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(5), 3024-3030.
24. Xiang, T., Lu, J., & Chen, K. (2019). Multi-channel adaptive dereverberation robust to abrupt change of target speaker position. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(3), EL250-EL256.
25. Wang, J., Xue, J., Lu, J., & Qiu, X. (2019). A switching strategy of the frequency-domain adaptive algorithm for active noise control. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(2), 1045-1050.
26. Fan, W., Chen, K., Lu, J., & Tao, J. (2019). Effective improvement of under-modeling frequency-domain Kalman filter. IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
27. Gu, Z., Lu, J., & Chen, K. (2019). Speech Separation Using Independent Vector Analysis with an Amplitude Variable Gaussian Mixture Model. InterSpeech 2019.