报告题目:Recent Progresses on 2D Charge-Transferonics
报告地点:鼓楼校区唐仲英楼 B501
报 告 人:韩拯,山西大学
摘 要:
In this talk, we will introduce a model system: synergetic interplay between two layers of 2D interacting interacted electronic system, and the emerging phenomena. Taking the van der Waal hybrid system of graphene/CrOCl for example, due to e-e interactions, the electrons filled (charge transferred from graphene with the help of vertical electrical field) in the surface state (mainly in the Cr-3d orbital in CrOCl, which is about 0.7 nm below graphene) of CrOCl can spontaneously form a long wavelength order, i.e., a Wigner crystal. Such a charge order act as a quantum superlattice, which exerts a moiré-like super potential to the graphene placed on top of it, leading to a series of exotic interaction-driven phenomena [1-4], including unusually robust quantum Hall phase, exciton-enhanced correlated insulator, and interfacial coupling induced p-doping in 2D semiconductors. Our findings suggest that the paradigm of charge transfer can play key roles in the engineering of quantum electronic states, when the e-e interactions are taking effects. According to theory, such a charge-transferred interfacial quantum superlattice and the exotic electronic phases induced therein may be a universal effect, which we define as ‘charge-transferonics’, and enriched physical phenomena are yet to be discovered.
[1] Y. Wang, et al., Nature Nanotechnology,17, 1272–1279 (2022).
[2] K. Yang, et al., Nature Communications, 14, 2136, (2023).
[3] X. Lu, et al., Nature Communications, 14, 5550, (2023).
[4] Y. Guo, et al., Nature, 630, 346 (2024).
韩拯,山西大学光电研究所教授。主要聚焦于变革性量子材料与器件的新奇物理特性与量子调控等研究。韩拯教授截至目前在低维新材料、量子输运、半导体电子学等相关领域在Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Communications等学术杂志发表论文80余篇。曾获山西省五一劳动奖章、山西青年五四奖章、MIT科技评论中国35岁以下创新35人等荣誉。