Xiaoxiang Xi is a professor at School of Physics, Nanjing University. He received his bachelor's degree at Nanjing University in 2007 and PhD at University of Florida, USA in 2011. Prior to joining the faculty at Nanjing University in 2016, he was a postdoctoral research associate at Brookhaven National Laboratory (2012-2014) and Pennsylvania State University (2014-2016).
Curriculum vitae (CV)
In solid-state materials, the interplay of lattice, electronic, and spin degrees of freedom can often lead to novel ground states, intellectually interesting and potentially useful for applications. At reduced dimensions, even more exotic states can be uncovered, thanks to the concerted action of quantum mechanics and stronger Coulomb interaction. In the past two decades, a powerful set of tools have been developed, enabling investigation and control of materials confined in the two and one-dimensional space.
My group explore the optical and electronic properties of low-dimensional quantum materials, with a focus on collective phenomena related to the multiple degrees of freedom in crystals. Some specific examples include:
■ Charge-density waves
■ Two-dimensional superconductivity
■ Topological materials
■ Ferroic materials
Selected publications:
1. "Electrical switching of ferro-rotational order in nanometre-thick 1T-TaS2 crystals"
G. Liu, T. Qiu, K. He, Y. Liu, D. Lin, Z. Ma, Z. Huang, W. Tang, J. Xu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. Gao, J. Wen, J.-M. Liu, B. Yan*, and X. Xi*, Nat. Nanotech. 18, 854 (2023).
2. "Visualization of chiral electronic structure and anomalous optical response in a material with chiral charge density waves"
H. F. Yang, K. Y. He, J. Koo, S. W. Shen, S. H. Zhang, G. Liu, Y. Z. Liu, C. Chen, A. J. Liang, K. Huang, M. X. Wang, J. J. Gao, X. Luo, L. X. Yang, J. P. Liu, Y. P. Sun, S. C. Yan, B. H. Yan*, Y. L. Chen*, X. Xi*, and Z. K. Liu*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 156401 (2022).
3. "Observation of anomalous amplitude modes in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5"
G. Liu, X. Ma, K. He, Q. Li, H. Tan, Y. Liu, J. Xu, W. Tang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. Gao, Y. Dai, H.-H. Wen, B. Yan* & X. Xi*, Nat. Commun. 13, 3461 (2022).
4. "Patterns and driving forces of dimensionality-dependent charge density waves in 2H-type transition metal dichalcogenides"
D. Lin, S. Li, J. Wen, H. Berger, L. Forró, H. Zhou, S. Jia, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, X. Xi*, and M. S. Bahramy*, Nat. Commun. 11, 2406 (2020).
5. "Gate tuning of electronic phase transitions in two dimensional NbSe2"
X. Xi, H. Berger, L. Forró, J. Shan, and K. F. Mak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 106801 (2016).
6. "Ising pairing in superconducting NbSe2 atomic layers"
X. Xi, Z. Wang, K. T. Law, H. Berger, L. Forró, J. Shan, and K. F. Mak, Nat. Phys. 12, 139 (2016).
7. "Strongly enhanced charge density wave order in monolayer NbSe2"
X. Xi, L. Zhao, Z. Wang, H. Berger, L. Forró, J. Shan, and K. F. Mak, Nat. Nanotech. 10, 765 (2015).