范 理
研究工作在Phys. Rev. B., Appl. Phys. Lett.,J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,Sensor. Actuat. B,J. Appl. Phys.等期刊上发表论文70余篇。
1. Xue-Yu Zhang, Ren-Hao Ma, Ling-Sheng Li, Li Fan*, Yao-tao Yang, and Shu-yi Zhang
A room-temperature ultrasonic hydrogen sensor based on a sensitive layer of reduced graphene oxide
Sci. Rep. 11(1), 2021: 2404
2. Liang Chen, Li Fan*, and Shu-yi Zhang
Acoustic conjugate metamaterials
Phys. Rev. B, 100(2), 2019:024111
3. Wei Ao, Jin Ding, Li Fan*, and Shu-yi Zhang
A robust actively-tunable perfect sound absorber
Appl. Phys. Lett., 115(19), 2019: 193506
4. Wei-wei Yu, Li Fan*, Ren-hao Ma, Hui Zhang, and Shu-yi Zhang
Low-frequency and multiple-bands sound insulation using hollow boxes with membrane-type faces
Appl. Phys. Lett., 112(18), 2018: 183506
5. Jin Din, Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, Hui Zhang, and Wei-wei Yu
Simultaneous realization of slow and fast acoustic waves using a fractal structure of Koch curve
Sci. Rep. 8, 2018: 1481
6. Xiao-juan Li, Huan Ge, Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, Hui Zhang, and Jin Ding
Acoustic-electromagnetic slow waves in a periodical defective piezoelectric slab
Chin. Phys. B, 26(7), 2017: 074302
7. Li Fan*, Wei-wei Yu, Shu-yi Zhang, Hui Zhang, and Jin Ding
Zak phases and band properties in acoustic metamaterials with negative modulus or negative density
Phys. Rev. B, 94, 2016: 174307
8. Zhe Chen, Cheng Xue, Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, Xiao-juan Li, Hui Zhang, and Jin Ding
A tunable acoustic metamaterial with double-negativity driven by electromagnets
Sci. Rep. 6, 2016: 30254
9. Xiao-juan Li, Cheng Xue, Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, Zhe Chen, Jin Ding, and Hui Zhang
Simultaneous realization of negative group velocity, fast and slow acoustic waves in a metamaterial
Appl. Phys. Lett., 108(23), 2016: 231904
10. Zhe Chen, Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, and Hui Zhang
Performance optimization of high-order Lamb wave sensors based on silicon carbide substrates
Ultrasonics, 65, 2016: 296-303
11. Li Fan*, Jin Ding, Jun-jie Zhu, Zhe Chen, Shu-yi Zhang, Hui Zhang, and Xiao-juan Li
Suppression of harmonics in a thermoacoustic refrigerator based on an acoustic metamaterial
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 (4), 2015: EL435-EL440
12. Zhe Chen, Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, Hui Zhang, Xiao-juan Li, and Jin Ding
An open-structure sound insulator against low-frequency and wide-band acoustic waves
Appl. Phys. Express, 8 (10), 2015: 107301.
13. Li Fan*, Zhe Chen, Shu-yi Zhang, Jin Ding, Xiao-juan Li, and Hui Zhang
An acoustic metamaterial composed of multi-layer membrane-coated perforated plates for low-frequency sound insulation
Appl. Phys. Lett., 106 (15), 2015: 151908.
14. Li Fan*, Zhe Chen, Jun-jie Zhu, Jin Ding, Jie Xia, Shu-yi Zhang, Hui Zhang, and Huan Ge
Nonlinear effects in a model of a thermoacoustic refrigerator driven by a loudspeaker
J. Appl. Phys., 117(12), 2015: 124502.
15. Li Fan*, Zhe Chen, Yuan-chen Deng, Jin Ding, Huan Ge, Shu-yi Zhang, Yue-tao Yang, and Hui Zhang
Nonlinear effects in a metamaterial with double negativity
Appl. Phys. Lett., 105(4), 2014: 041904.
16. Huan Ge, Li Fan*, Jie Xia, Shu-yi Zhang, Sha Tao, Yue-Tao Yang, and Hui Zhang
Nonlinear impedances of thermoacoustic stacks with ordered and disordered structures
Chin. Phys. B, 23 (7), 2014: 074301
17. Zhe Chen, Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, and Hui Zhang
Theoretical research on ultrasonic sensors based on high-order Lamb waves
J. Appl. Phys., 115(20), 2014: 204513.
18. Li Fan*, Zhe Chen, Shu-yi Zhang, and Hui Zhang
Theoretical investigation of conductivity sensitivities of SiC-based bio-chemical
acoustic wave sensors
J. Appl. Phys., 115(6), 2014: 064506.
19. Li Fan*, Huan Ge, Shu-yi Zhang, Hai-fei Gao, Yong-hui Liu and Hui Zhang
Nonlinear acoustic fields in acoustic metamaterial based on a cylindrical pipe with periodically arranged side holes
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 133 (6), 2013: 3846-3852
20. Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, Huan Ge and Hui Zhang
Theoretical investigation of acoustic wave devices based on different piezoelectric films deposited on silicon carbide
J. Appl. Phys., 114(2), 2013: 024504
21. Li Fan*, Huan Ge, Shu-yi Zhang and Hui Zhang
Research on pass band with negative phase velocity in tubular acoustic metamaterial
J. Appl. Phys., 112(5), 2012: 053523
22. Huan Ge, Li Fan*, Shu-yu Xiao, Sha Tao, Meichen Qiu, Shu-yi Zhang and Hui Zhang
Nonlinear acoustic impedance of thermoacoustic stack
J. Appl. Phys., 112(6), 2012: 063518
23. Li Fan*, Shu-yi Zhang, Huan Ge and Hui Zhang
Theoretical optimizations of acoustic wave gas sensors with high conductivity sensitivities
Sens. Actuators B, 171-172, 2012: 1272-1276
24. Li Fan*, Huan Ge, Shu-yi Zhang, Hui Zhang and Jian Zhu
Optimization of sensitivity induced by surface conductivity and sorbed mass in surface acoustic wave gas sensors
Sens. Actuators B, 161, 2012: 114-123
25. Li Fan, Shu-yi Zhang and Hui Zhang
Transmission Characteristics in Tubular acoustic Metamaterials Studied with Fluid Impedance Theory
Chin. Phys. Lett., 28(10), 2011: 104301.
26. Li Fan, Feng-mei Zhou, Cheng Wang, Hui-dong Gao, Shu-yi Zhang, Hui Zhang and Xiang-bang Wang
Influence of Surface Conductivity on Sensitivity of Acoustic Wave Gas Sensors Based on Multilayered Structures,
IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec., Freq. Contr., 58(2), 2011: 451-460.
27. Li Fan, Shu-yi Zhang and Hui Zhang
Influence of the Nonlinearity of Loudspeakers on the Performance of Thermoacoustic Refrigerators Driven by Current and Voltage
Chin. Phys. Lett., 27(7), 2010: 074301
(1) 国家自然科学基金 基于石墨烯掺杂复合材料敏感层的超声波氢气传感器的研制
(2) 国家自然科学基金 基于声学超构材料的热声制冷的研究
(3) 国家自然科学基金 电声驱动热声制冷机中非线性声耦合的研究
(4) 江苏省自然科学基金 基于谐振管的声超构材 料的理论与实验研究
(5) 教育部博士点基金 扬声器驱动的热声制冷机中非线性效应的研究
(6) 航天材料及工艺研究所光超声检测复合材料缺陷预研究
(1) 国家自然科学基金 脉冲光声热波方法研究功能材料
(2) 国家自然科学基金 声流在非接触式超声马达中应用的研究
(3) 国家自然科学基金 新型超声传感器和传动器及其机理研究
(4) 中国原子能科学研究院放射化学研究所 激光光声谱仪光声系统配置
(5) 南京卓实电气有限公司 SF6气体泄漏激光成像系统