陈 薇
1998-2002 南京大学 物理学系 学士学位
2002-2005 南京大学 物理学系 硕士学位
2005-2011 华盛顿大学西雅图分校(美)物理学系 博士学位
2011-2013 麦克吉尔大学(加) 物理学系 博士后
2013-2014 麦克吉尔大学 物理学系 访问学者
2014-2015 清华大学 高等研究院 副研究员
2016-至今 南京大学物理学院 副教授
本人的科研方向为凝聚态理论,现阶段主要研究对象为强关联系统和具有拓扑属性的系统。 通常利用量子场论、重整化群、玻色化、群论等理论工具结合必要的数值方法研究量子多体问题中的电、磁学、相变、输运和拓扑属性。已在PRL, PRX, PRB, PRA, Nature Nanotechnology 等国际核心期刊上发表相关课题的学术论文二十多篇。
1. 量子自旋液体,包括传统自旋液体和Kiteav自旋液体中的分数统计和分数激发、拓扑属性、规范结构、自旋分类、动力学等方面。
2. 拓扑半金属和拓扑超导体的电学、输运和相变等性质的研究,包括Weyl/Dirac semimetal/superconductor, 和topological superconductor等。
3. Twisted bilayer graphene中的相互作用对物态和电学性质的影响。
Selected publications
"Dynamic Kohn anomaly in twisted bilayer graphene",
Jun-Wei Li, Jia-Xing Zhang and Wei Chen*, New J of Phys. 26, 123018(2024)
"Anamalous Hall effect in type-I Weyl metals beyond the non-crossing approximation",
Jia-Xing Zhang, and Wei Chen*, Phys. Rev. B 107, 214204(2013)
"Disorder Induced Anomalous Hall Eect in Type-I Weyl Metals: Connection between the Kubo-Streda Formula in the Spin and Chiral basis",
Jia-Xing Zhang, Zhi-Yuan Wang, and Wei Chen*, Phys. Rev. B 107, 125106(2023)
“Realizing Majorana Fermion modes in the Kitaev model",
Lu Yang, Jia-Xing Zhang, Shuang Liang, Wei Chen*, and Qiang-Hua Wang, Chin. Phys. B 30, 117504(2021)
"Tuning topological orders by a conical magnetic field in the Kitaev model",
Ming-Hong Jiang, Shuang Liang , Wei Chen* , Yang Qi , Jian-Xin Li , and Qiang-Hua Wang*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 177203(2020)
"Momentum distribution and tunneling density of states of one- dimensional Fermionic SU(N) Hubbard model",
Shuang Liang, Deping Zhang, Wei Chen*, J Phys: Cond. Matt., 31, 185601(2019).
"Intermediate gapless phase and topological phase transition of the Kitaev model in a uniform magnetic field",
Shuang Liang, Minghong Jiang, Wei Chen*, Jian-Xin Li, Qiang-Hua Wang, Phys. Rev. B 98, 054433(2018)
“Response and phase transition of the Kitaev spin liquid in a local magnetic field",
Shuang Liang, Bosen He, Chaoyang Dong, Wei Chen*, Jian-Xin Li, Qiang-Hua Wang*, Phys. Rev. B. 98, 104410(2018)
“Kondo effect in alkaline-earth-metal atomic gases with confinement-induced resonances”
Ren Zhang, Deping Zhang, Yanting Cheng, Wei Chen, Peng Zhang, and Hui Zhai, Phys. Rev. A 93, 043601(2016)
“Boltzmann-Langevin theory of Coulomb drag”
Wei Chen, A. V. Andreev, and A. Levchenko, Phys. Rev. B 91, 245405(2015)
“Photon propagation in a one dimensional optomechanical lattice”
Wei Chen and Aashish A. Clerk, Phys. Rev. A 89, 033854(2014)
“Measurement of the electronic thermal conductance channels and heat capacity of graphene at low temperature”
Kin Chung Fong, Emma E. Wollman, Harish Ravi, Wei Chen, Aashish A. Clerk, M. D. Shaw, H. G. Leduc, and K. C. Schwab. Phys. Rev. X 3, 041008(2013)
“Electron phonon mediated heat flow in disordered graphene”
Wei Chen and Aashish A. Clerk, Phys. Rev. B 86, 125443(2012)
“Quantum criticality in a Mott pn junction in an armchair carbon nanotube”
Wei Chen, A. V. Andreev, L. I. Glazman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 216801(2011)
“Decay of a plasmon into neutral modes in carbon nanotube”
Wei Chen, A. V. Andreev∗, E. G. Mishchenko, L. I. Glazman, Phys. Rev. B 82, 115444(2010)
“Conductance of a single atom carbon chain with graphene leads”
Wei Chen, A. V. Andreev, G. Bertsch, Phys. Rev. B 80, 085410(2009)
“New aspects of the metal-insulator transition in single-domain vanadium dioxide nanobeams”
Jiang Wei, Zenghui Wang, Wei Chen, David H. Cobden, Nature Nanotechnology 4, 420(2009)
“Twist instability in strongly correlated carbon nanotubes”
Wei Chen, A. V. Andreev, A. Tsvelik, D. Orgad, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 246802(2008)
数学物理方法 2018年至今 春季