张 波
电子邮件 bz@nju.edu.cn
办公地点 唐仲英楼A414

张波,男,19903月生,准聘副教授,博士生导师,入选国家海外高层次青年人才项目。2012年获南京大学材料物理学士学位,2018年获美国明尼苏达大学材料科学与工程博士学位,之后先后任美国Argonne国家实验室、美国西北大学博士后研究员。主要从事软物质方面的实验研究。目前已在Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications等国际一流学术期刊上发表论文10余篇,并担任Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, Physical Review Research等物理学权威杂志的独立审稿人。




Ø B. Zhang and A. Snezhko, Hyperuniform active chiral fluids with tunable internal structure, Physical Review Letters 128, 218002 (2022).

Ø B. ZhangA. Snezhko, and A. Sokolov, Guiding self-assembly of active colloids by temporal modulation of activity, Physical Review Letters 128, 018004 (2022)(Selected as Editors’ Suggestion and featured in Physics with Focus)

Ø B. ZhangH. Yuan, A. Sokolov, M.O. de la Cruz, and A. Snezhko, Polar state reversal in active fluids, Nature Physics 18, 154–159 (2022).

Ø B. ZhangA. Sokolov, and A. Snezhko, Reconfigurable emergent patterns in active chiral fluids, Nature Communications 11, 1 (2020).

Ø B. Zhang and X. Cheng, Structures and dynamics of glass-forming colloidal liquids under spherical confinement, Physical Review Letters 116, 098302 (2016). (Selected as Editors’ Suggestion and featured in Physics with Synopsis)

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