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办公地点 物理楼-317

雷群利,男,准聘副教授,博士生导师。1988年10月生,2011年获南京大学物理学学士学位,2016年获南京大学理论物理学博士学位,之后任新加坡南洋理工大学博士后研究员。2021年任南京大学物理学院准聘助理教授,并入选国家海外高层次青年人才项目。2022年转为准聘副教授。主要从事软凝聚态物理和统计物理方面的理论研究。目前已在Science Advances, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., Physical Review Letters, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano等国际一流学术期刊上发表论文20余篇,并担任Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, Physical Review Research等物理学权威杂志的独立审稿人。






主要研究成果(标红代表性工作, 共同一作,通讯作者):

[17]. Z.-Q. Li, Q.-L. Lei*, Y.-q. Ma*, Fluidization and anomalous density fluctuations in epithelial tissues with pulsating activity, arXiv:2402.02981  [arXiv]

[16]. J.-D. Hu, T. Wang, Q.-L. Lei*, Y.-q. Ma, Transformable Super-Isostatic Crystals Self-Assembled from Segment Colloidal Rods, ACS Nano in press (2024) [pdf] [arXiv]

[15]. J.-X. Li, L.-L. Hao, S. Wu, Q.-L. Lei*, Y.-q. Ma*, Non-Equilibrium Structural and Dynamic Behaviors of Polar Active Polymer Controlled by Head Activity, Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 043064 (2023) [pdf]

[14]. S. Wu, J.-X. Li*, Q.-L. Lei*, Facilitated dynamics of an active polymer in 2D crowded environments with obstacles, Soft Matter (2022)

[13]. Q.-L. Lei*, F. Tang, Y-q. Ma*, R. Ni*, Duality, hidden symmetry and dynamic isomerism in 2D hinge structures,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 125501 (2022)[arXiv]

[12]. Q.-L. Lei#, W. Zheng#, F. Tang, X. Wan, R. Ni,  Y-q. Ma, Self-assembly of isostatic self-dual colloidal crystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 018001 (2021) [arXiv]

[11]. Q.-L. Lei, H. Hu, R. Ni, Barrier-controlled non-equilibrium criticality in reactive particle systems, Phys. Rev. E,103 (5), 052607 (2021) [arXiv]

[10]. Q.-L. Lei, M. P. Ciamarra, R. Ni, Non-equilibrium strongly hyperuniform fluid of circle active particles with large local density fluctuations, Science Advances 5:eaau7423 (2019) [pdf] [arXiv]

[9]. Q.-L. Lei, R. Ni, Hydrodynamics of random-organizing hyperuniform fluids, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116, 22983 ( 2019) [pdf] [arXiv]

[8]Q.-L. Lei#, X. Xia#, M. P. Ciamarra, R. Ni, Entropy-controlled crosslinking in linker-mediated vitrimers, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117, 27111 (2020) [pdf] [arXiv]

[7]. T. Wang#Q.-L. Lei#, et al., Mechanical Tolerance of Cascade Bioreactions via Adaptive Curvature Engineering for Epidermal Bioelectronics, Advanced Materials, 2000991 (2020) 

[6]. W. Zheng#, Q.-L. Lei#, Y-q. Ma, and R. Ni, Hierarchical glass transition of hard hemidisks with local assemblies, Soft Matter, 16, 8108 (2020) 

[5]Q.-L. Lei, R. Ni, Y.-q. Ma, Self-assembled chiral photonic crystals from colloidal helices racemate, ACS Nano 12, 6860 (2018) [DOI] [arXiv]

[4]. Q.-L. Lei, K. Hadinoto, and R. Ni, Role of local assembly in the hierarchical crystallization of associating colloidal hard hemispheres, Phys. Rev. Mater., 1(5), 052601 (2017) [arXiv]

[3]. Z. Ma#Q.-L. Lei#, R. Ni; Driving dynamic colloidal assembly using eccentric self-propelled colloids, Soft Matter, 13, 8940 (2017) [arXiv]

[2]. Q.-L. Lei#, J.-W. Feng#, C.-l. Ren, H.-m. Ding and Y.-q. Ma, Modeling stretching-induced immiscibility in nonmonodisperse polymer systems, ACS Macro Letters, 4, 1033 (2015) [DOI]

[1]. Q.-L. Lei, C.-l. Ren, X.-h. Su and Y.-q. Ma, Crowding-Induced Cooperativity in DNA Surface Hybridization, Scientific Reports, 5, 9217 (2015) [pdf]



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