孙 建
电子邮件 jiansun@nju.edu.cn
联系电话 025-83687822

孙建,南京大学物理学院和固体微结构物理国家重点实验室教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者2002年南京大学物理系本科,2007年南京大学物理系博士。2007-2013年先后在加拿大国家研究委员会、德国波鸿鲁尔大学、英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室从事博士后研究,2013年到南京大学物理学院工作至今。在高压物理、计算凝聚态物理、材料设计与模拟、行星深部物质等研究领域积累多年。发展了机器学习和图论辅助的晶体结构预测新方法(MAGUS);预言了多个新材料,若干被实验证实;预言了若干系统在高温高压下的超离子态、塑晶态和协同扩散态等新奇物态。已发表学术论文100余篇(一作/通讯70余篇),包括重要期刊(Nat. Phys./Nat. Commun./PRL/PRX/PNAS/JACS)论文23篇(一作/通讯20篇)。曾获2007年加拿大NSERC奖学金、2008年德国洪堡奖学金、2011年中国国家自然科学二等奖(第五完成人)、2012年欧盟玛丽居里奖学金、2013年“国家海外高层次青年人才”、2014GRC Van Valkenburg奖、2015年江苏省杰出青年基金、2021年国家基金委杰出青年基金。担任中国物理学会高压物理专业委员会委员、中国材料学会计算材料学分会委员、中国化学会高压化学专委会委员、《物理学进展》副主编、Matter and Radiation at Extremes和《高压物理学报》编委。

Contact Information:


 Jian SUN, Professor 

 School of Physics, Nanjing University 

 National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures 

 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures

 No.22 Hankou Road, Nanjing 210093, China 

 Tel: +86-(0)25-83687822  Fax: +86-(0)25-83595535 

 Email: jiansun # nju.edu.cn 

 ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6172-9100 

 ResearcherID: https://publons.com/researcher/2845232/jian-sun/



Jian Sun is a professor in the physics School and National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures at Nanjing University. He got his B.S. and PhD from Nanjing University at 2002 and 2007, respectively. After that, he spent 6 years and worked as a research fellow in NRC (Canada), Ruhr University Bochum (Germany) and University of Cambridge (UK). At 2013, he was  recruited as a professor at Nanjing University. The main research interests of Professor Sun spreads in computational condensed matter physics, extreme condition physics, materials design and simulations, matters in the interior of planets. He developed the machine learning and graph theory assisted universal structure searcher method (MAGUS); predicted many new materials and some of them have been verified by experiments; predicted the exotic states of matter at high pressure and high temperature, such as the superionic, plastic and collective diffusion states. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious scientific journals, including 23 papers in high profile journals (Nature Phys., PRL/PRX, PNAS and JACS). Professor Sun is a committee member of the high pressure physics branch of Chinese Physics Society, the computational materials science branch of Chinese Materials Research Society, and the high pressure chemistry branch of Chinese Chemistry Society



Distinguished Young Scholar of National Natural Science Foundation of China (2021)

Distinguished Young Scholar of Jiangsu Province (2015)

GRC Alvin van Valkenburg Award (2014)

“QR Program - Youth” (2013)

Marie Curie Fellowship, EU (2012)

The second prize of China National Natural Science Award (2011, the 5th contributor)

Humboldt Fellowship, Germany (2008)

NSERC Fellowship, Canada (2007)











The main research interests of Professor Sun spreads in computational condensed matter physics, extreme condition physics, materials design and simulations, matters in the interior of planets. Currently, his research is mainly focused on:

1) Development of computational methods: crystal structure predictions, machine-learning force fields, graph theory, etc;

2) Static calculations on the properties of materials under high pressure: insulator-metal phase transitions, quantum materials, etc;

3) Dynamical simulations of matters under extreme conditions: new states of matters (superionic, plastic, collective diffusion), melting, phase transition mechanism, matters in the interior of planets, etc;

4) Prediction of high pressure synthesis and materials design: superhard, high-energy-density, superconductors, etc.

We are looking for talented PhD students and Postdoc/Research Associate, welcome to contact with us by email - jiansun AT nju.edu.cn.







MAGUS已被用于研究多个体系,设计的新材料被实验合成,发表了多篇高水平学术论文(Nat. Phys./NC/PRL/PRX/NSR/Sci. Bull.等)





1. Jiuyang Shi, Zhixing Liang, Junjie Wang, Shuning Pan, Chi Ding, Yong Wang, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*, 

“Double-Shock Compression Pathways from Diamond to BC8 Carbon”

Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 146101 (2023).

2. Jianjun Ying*, Shiqiu Liu, Qing Lu, Xikai Wen, Zhigang Gui, Yuqing Zhang, Xiaomeng Wang, Jian Sun*, and Xianhui Chen*, 

“Record High 36 K Transition Temperature to the Superconducting State of Elemental Scandium at a Pressure of 260 GPa”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 256002 (2023).

3. Shuning Pan, Tianheng Huang, Allona Vazan, Zhixin Liang, Cong Liu, Junjie Wang, Chris J. Pickard, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing & Jian Sun*, 

“Magnesium oxide-water compounds at megabar pressure and implications on planetary interiors”, 

Nat. Commun. 14, 1165 (2023).

4. Cong Liu, Ion Errea, Chi Ding, Chris Pickard, Lewis J. Conway, Bartomeu Monserrat, Yue-Wen Fang, Qing Lu, Jian Sun*, Jordi Boronat & Claudio Cazorla*, 

"Excitonic insulator to superconductor phase transition in ultra-compressed helium", 

Nat. Commun. 14, 4458 (2023).

5. Youjun Zhang, Yong Wang, Yuqian Huang, Junjie Wang, Zhixin Liang, Long Hao, Zhipeng Gao, Jun Li*, Qiang Wu, Hong Zhang, Yun Liu, Jian Sun*, Jung-Fu Lin*, 

"Collective motion in hcp-Fe at Earth’s inner core conditions", 

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 120, e2309952120 (2023).

6. Junjie Wang, Hao Gao, Yu Han, Chi Ding, Shuning Pan, Yong Wang, Qiuhan Jia, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*, 

“MAGUS: machine learning and graph theory assisted universal structure searcher”, 

Natl. Sci. Rev. 10, nwad128, (2023).

7. Xiaomeng Wang, Yong Wang, Junjie Wang, Shuning Pan, Qing Lu, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*,

 “Pressure Stabilized Lithium-Aluminum Compounds with Both Superconducting and Superionic Behaviors”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 246403 (2022).

8. Hao Gao, Cong Liu, Jiuyang Shi, Shuning Pan, Tianheng Huang, Xiancai Lu, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*, 

“Superionic Silica-Water and Silica-Hydrogen Compounds in the Deep Interiors of Uranus and Neptune”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 035702 (2022). [Editors' Suggestion; focused by APS Physics Magazine]

9. Tianheng Huang, Cong Liu, Junjie Wang, Shuning Pan, Yu Han, Chris J. Pickard, Ravit Helled, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*

“Metallic Aluminum Suboxides with Ultrahigh Electrical Conductivity at High Pressure”, 

Research 2022, 9798758 (2022).

10. Cong Liu, Jiuyang Shi, Hao Gao, Junjie Wang, Yu Han, Xiancai Lu, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*, 

“Mixed coordination silica at megabar pressure”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 035701 (2021).


11. Yong Wang, Junjie Wang, Andreas Hermann, Cong Liu, Hao Gao, Erio Tosatti, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*, 

“Electronically driven 1D cooperative diffusion in a simple cubic crystal”, 

Phys. Rev. X 11, 011006 (2021).  


12. Nilesh P. Salke*, Kang Xia, Suyu Fu, Youjun Zhang, Eran Greenberg, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Jin Liu*, Jian Sun*, Jung-Fu Lin*, 

“Tungsten hexanitride with single-bonded armchair-like hexazine structure at high pressure”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 065702 (2021). 

[confirms our previous theoretical predition - Sci. Bull. 63, 817 (2018)]


13. Cong Liu, Hao Gao, Andreas Hermann, Yong Wang, Maosheng Miao, Chris J. Pickard, Richard J. Needs, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*, 

“Plastic and Superionic Helium Ammonia Compounds under High Pressure and High Temperature”, 

Phys. Rev. X 10, 021007 (2020). [highlighted by APS Physics magazine]


14. Hao Gao, Cong Liu, Andreas Hermann, Richard J. Needs, Chris J. Pickard, Hui-Tian Wang, Dingyu Xing, and Jian Sun*, 

“Coexistence of plastic and partially diffusive phases in a helium-methane compound”, 

Natl. Sci. Rev. 7, 1540 (2020). [cover story]


15. Cong Liu, Hao Gao, Yong Wang, Richard J. Needs, Chris J. Pickard, Jian Sun*, Hui-Tian Wang*, Dingyu Xing, 

“Multiple superionic states in helium-water compounds”, 

Nature Physics 15, 1065 (2019). [highlighted by Phys.org]


16. Qinyan Gu, Dingyu Xing, Jian Sun*, 

“Superconducting single-layer T-graphene and novel synthesis routes”, 

Chin. Phys. Lett. (Express letter) 36, 097401 (2019). 

[highlighted by Physics World magazine of IOP publishing]


17. Kang Xia, Hao Gao, Cong Liu, Jianan Yuan, Jian Sun*, Hui-Tian Wang*, Dingyu Xing, 

“A novel superhard tungsten nitride predicted by machine-learning accelerated crystal structure search”, 

Sci. Bull. 63, 817 (2018). [cover story, confirmed by experiment - Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 065702 (2021)]


18. Y. H. Zhou, P. C. Lu, Y. P. Du, X. D. Zhu, G. H. Zhang, R. R. Zhang, D. X. Shao, X. L. Chen, X. F. Wang, M. L. Tian, J. Sun*, X. G. Wan*, Z. R. Yang*, W. G. Yang*, Y. H. Zhang & D. Y. Xing, 

“Pressure-induced new topological Weyl Semimetal phase in TaAs”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 146402 (2016).


19. Y.H. Zhou, J.F. Wu, W. Ning, N.N. Li, Y.P. Du, X.L. Chen, R.R. Zhang, Z.H. Chi, X.F. Wang, X.D. Zhu, P.C. Lu, C. Ji, X.G. Wan, Z.R. Yang*, J. Sun*, W.G. Yang*, M.L. Tian*, Y.H. Zhang, H.-K. Mao*, 

“Pressure-induced superconductivity in a three-dimensional topological material ZrTe5”, 

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113, 2904 (2016).


20. J. Sun, G. Niehues, H. Forbert, D. Decka, G. Schwaab, D. Marx, and M. Havenith*, 

"Understanding THz Spectra of Aqueous Solutions: Glycine in Light and Heavy Water", 

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 5031 (2014).


21. J. Sun*, M. Martinez-Canales*, D. D. Klug, C. J. Pickard, R. J. Needs, 

"Stable all nitrogen metallic salt at terapascal pressures", 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 175502 (2013).


22. J. Sun*, M. Martinez-Canales, D. D. Klug, C. J. Pickard, R. J. Needs, 

“Persistence and eventual demise of oxygen molecules at terapascal pressures”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 045503 (2012).


23. J. Sun*, D. D. Klug, C. J. Pickard, R. J. Needs*, 

“Controlling the Bonding and Band Gaps of Solid Carbon Monoxide with Pressure”, 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 145502 (2011).


24. J. Sun*, D. D. Klug, R. Martonak, J. A. Montoya, M. -S. Lee, S. Scandolo, E. Tosatti, 

“High Pressure Polymeric Phases of Carbon Dioxide”, 

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 6077 (2009).

25. J. Sun*, D. D. Klug*, R. Martonak, 

Structural transformations in carbon under extreme pressure: Beyond diamond”, 

J. Chem. Phys. 130, 194512 (2009). [confirmed by experiment - Nature 589, 532 (2021)]

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