BAO Chunxiong

Chunxiong Bao is an Associate Professor at Nanjing University. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from Nanjing University in 2010 and 2016, respectively. After completing his studies, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where he was part of the Organic Electronics Group led by Professor Jinsong Huang. He then continued his research at Linköping University in Sweden, where he was part of the Optoelectronics Unit led by Professor Feng Gao. In April 2022, he returned to Nanjing University with the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Excellent Young Scholars Funding.

Research Interests

His group is working on the properties and characterization of defects in metal halide perovskites and optoelectronic devices based on perovskites, e.g. solar cells, photodetectors and light-emitting diodes.

Selected publication:

1. Chunxiong Bao#, Zhongcheng Yuan#, Wenxiao Niu, Jie Yang, Zijian Wang, Tao Yu, Jianpu Wang,  and Feng Gao*: A multifunctional display based on photo-responsive perovskite light-emitting diodes. Nature Electronics, 2024, 7, 375.

2. Chunxiong Bao, Feng Gao*: Physics of defects in metal halide perovskites. Reports on Progress in Physics, 2022, 85, 096501.

3. Zhenyi Ni#, Chunxiong Bao#, Ye Liu, Qi Jiang, Wu-Qiang Wu, Shangshang Chen, Xuezeng Dai, Bo Chen, Barry Hartweg, Zhengshan Yu, Zachary Holman, Jinsong Huang*: Resolving spatial and energetic distributions of trap states in metal halide perovskite solar cells. Science, 2020, 367, 1352.

4. Chunxiong Bao#, Weidong Xu#, Jie Yang#, Sai Bai, Pengpeng Teng, Ying Yang, Jianpu Wang, Ni Zhao, Wenjing Zhang*, Wei Huang*, and Feng Gao*: Bidirectional optical signal transmission between two identical devices using perovskite diodes. Nature Electronics, 2020, 3, 156.

5. Chunxiong Bao, Jie Yang, Sai Bai, Weidong Xu, Zhibo Yan, Qingyu Xu, Junming Liu, Wenjing Zhang*, Feng Gao*High performance and stable all-inorganic metal halide perovskite-based photodetectors for optical communication applications. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 1803422.

6. Chunxiong Bao#, Zhaolai Chen#, Yanjun Fang, Haotong Wei, Yehao Deng, Xun Xiao, Lingliang Li, Jinsong Huang*: Low-Noise and Large-Linear-Dynamic-Range Photodetectors Based on Hybrid-Perovskite Thin-Single-Crystals. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1703209.

7. Chunxiong Bao#, Jie Yang#, Hao Gao, Faming Li, Yingfang Yao, Bo Yang, Gao Fu, Xiaoxin Zhou, Tao Yu*, Yiqiang Qin, Jianguo Liu, Zhigang Zou: In Situ Fabrication of Highly Conductive Metal Nanowire Networks with High Transmittance from Deep-Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared. ACS Nano 2015, 9 (3), 2502.

Address :
Nanjing University, 22 Hankou Road
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