1. Introduction
The researches of Department of Modern Physics cover four different subfields: Nuclear physics and low energy hadron physics, Particle physics and cosmology, Biophysics and physical biology, and Soft matter physics and statistical physics.
2. Researches
2.1 Nuclear physics and low energy hadron physics
Nuclear physicsconcerns many interesting features of the complex quantum many-body systems composed of nucleons. There are rich structures and different fundamental interactions in nuclei. Researches on new elements and nuclides far away from the stability line have greatly expanded the scope and depth of nuclear physics, and are closely related to many important problems in astrophysics.Low energy hadron physics explores the non-perturbative effect of QCD and quark confinement by studying the properties, structures and interactions of various exotic hadron states.
Faculty members of theNuclear physics and low energy hadron physics section:
Prof. Chang Xu, Prof. Craig D. Roberts, Prof.Zhufang Cui, Prof.Weimin Sun
2.2 Particle physics and cosmology
Particle physics and cosmology explores the basic structure of matter and the interaction between elementary particles, and the origin and evolution of matter in the universe. It covers researches of both particle physics theory and experiment. The experiment conducts projects using international high-energy physics accelerators, such as the ATLAS experiment on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the BES experiment on the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC), and other facilities.
Faculty members of theParticle physics and cosmology section: Prof.Shenjian Chen, Prof.Shan Jin, Prof. ZuoweiLiu, Prof.Lei Zhang, Prof.Tianjue Min
2.3 Biophysics and physicalbiology
The Biophysics and physicalbiology section is engaged in interdisciplinary researches combining the physical and life sciences, aiming to uncover universal physical principles behind complex life phenomena. Utilizing a broad range of theoretical and experimental approaches (e.g., statistical physics, computer simulations, non-linear science, and single-molecule experimental techniques, and so on), the researchers explore the structure and functional dynamics of life systems on multiple levels from individual biomolecules and single cells to multi-cell networks, with the aim to establish quantitative characterization of life processes, to uncover the physical characteristics of life phenomena, to investigate the biology-inspired physical questions, and to explore the design and medical application of biomimetic materials.
Faculty members of the Biophysics and physicalbiology section: Prof. Wei Wang, Prof. Feng Liu, Prof. Jun Wang, Prof. Yi Cao, Prof. Jian Zhang, and Prof. Wenfei Li.
2.4 Soft matter physics and statistical physics
The Soft Matter Physics and Statistical Physics section mainly studies the physical principles behind mesoscale complex matter systems, which include structural glasses, colloidal and granular matters, polymer systems, biological matters and active matters, by adopting tools and paradigms from condensed matter physics and statistical physics. This section also covers fundamental statistical physics, like non-equilibrium statistical physics and thermodynamics,phase transitions and critical phenomena in complex systems/networks, etc.
Faculty members of the Soft matter physics and statistical physics section: Prof. Yuqiang Ma, Prof. Chunlai Ren, and Prof. Qunli Lei.