Title: Interface superconductivity in cuprates
Speaker: Prof. Jie Wu,Department of Physics, Westlake University
Time&Location: 12:00 pm, April. 18, Room B501, Tangzhongying Building
Abstract: The interface superconductivity is a fascinating phenomenon that has evolved into an exciting new frontier for researchers of superconductivity. By epitaxial growth of a heterostructure with two non-superconducting parent compounds, superconductivity is found to take place only at one of the interfacial layers, e.g. as elucidated by the d-doping experiment. Despite of the thrilling progresses in discovering heterostructures with interface superconductivity, such as LaAlO3/SrTiO3, FeSe/SrTiO3, LaAlO3/KTaO3 etc., the studies on the mechanism of interface superconductivity fall behind and a general theory is still not at sight. In this talk, I’ll review the key steps in the research of interface superconductivity and in particular focus on the interface superconductivity in the La2-xSrxCuO4/La2CuO4 bilayer. I’ll present what we have learned by varying the chemical doping x in a wide range of 0.16 <x< 1 and show how the interface superconductivity behaves in response to the tuning of x. A theoretical model will be discussed to conclude the roles of interfacial charge transfer, caution interdiffusion, and charge localization.
Biography: Dr. Wu received his B. S. and M. S. from Fudan University and received his Ph. D. on experimental condensed matter physics from the University of California at Berkeley. He did his Postdoctoral research at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory of USA. Since 2012, He became an Assistant Physicist at the oxide-MBE group at Brookhaven National Laboratory of USA. Then he was promoted to be an Associate Physicist and later a Physicist. At Sep 2019, he joined the Physics department of the Westlake University.