Title: Latest results on Higgs physics
Speaker: Lei Zhang
Time&Location: 12:00 pm, Nov. 8, Room B501, Tangzhongying Building
In standard model of particle physics, the elementary particles gain their mass by interacting with the Higgs field. The process is called the electro-weak symmetry breaking, also called Higgs mechanism. In 2012, ATLAS and CMS experiments at LHC discovered the Higgs boson, which not only complete the last puzzle of the standard model but also prove the electro-weak symmetry breaking. But, the standard model does not tell us what is the origin of the electro-weak symmetry breaking. As the only known spin-0 elementary particle, the Higgs boson has a special coupling structure, may interact with the BSM physics, e.g., the dark matter.
This year is the 10th anniversary of Higgs discovery. LHC has by far finished two data taking runs successfully (Run 1 and Run 2). We have a rather deeper understanding on the Higgs boson. This talk will present the latest results on Higgs physics from ATLAS and CMS at LHC.
Lei Zhang, a professor in School of Physics at Nanjing University, got his bachelor degree at Xi’an Jiao Tong University in 2006, and PhD in physics at Nanjing University in 2011. After Dr. Zhang worked as a postdoc in Academia Sinica, CERN and University of Freiburg and get the professor position in Nanjing University since 2018. Prof. Zhang has participated in the BESIII experiment and ATLAS experiment, has made a significant contributions to the study on Higgs coupling to bottom quark and to tau lepton, has systematically searched Beyond Standard Model (BSM) Higgs physics, and lead the ATLAS BSM Higgs working group (HBSM) in 2020-2022 as the co-convenor.
Prof. Zhang current studies mainly focus on: 1) understand the dynamics of the Higgs mechanism, probe the Higgs potential; 2) search for the CP-violation in the Higgs sector, as well as the new physics beyond the standard model; 3) develop the advanced radiation-hard particle detector and electronics.